BC Hockey has partnered with ePACT to ensure hockey players across the province can provide their Associations with critical emergency/health information in complete, legible and up-to-date views for the 2019-2020 season. Hockey players and their families can securely share data with Associations using ePACT so coaches/managers have anytime, anywhere secure access to the information and communications they need in case of a crisis – like a personal injury or evacuation.
- Associations that already have an ePACT account can access secure views of their players’ data starting late September, once BC Hockey has invited all players to use the system.
- Associations that want to adopt the system for this season should complete this form. We will contact you as soon as possible to set up your access and connect you to your authorized administrators (e.g. coaches/managers).
- Associations that do not want to use ePACT can continue to collect paper copies of players’ forms, but players/players families can still use ePACT by printing off their record and submit these for the season.
- ePACT is NOT mandatory. Players/Associations can opt-out of using the system if they wish to continue to use paper emergency and health forms this season.
To learn more about the partnership, read our media release or contact BC Hockey directly via email at info@bchockey.net. Additionally, you can read our Frequently Asked Questions or contact ePACT with questions.