The online emergency/health info collection was a great way to collect important info all in one place. This is very important to me as parent with a child who has serious food allergies.

The online emergency/health info collection was a great way to collect important info all in one place. This is very important to me as parent with a child who has serious food allergies.
Easy to complete and convenient to use. It really gives me peace of mind in the event of an injury to my child.
I had to rush my son to the Emergency Room one night and completely forgot the documents that contain his medical information. On arrival, they asked for his health card number and past vaccinations. Thankfully, everything was already saved on my ePACT App. It was a life saver.
ePACT is a perfect way to submit emergency information for my family. I feel better knowing my information is stored electronically, and if anything happens I am not hoping my information will be found in a binder somewhere.
This is an incredible way of providing up-to-date medical information that does not rely on the coach carrying around his player’s medical forms in his puck bag!
The biggest benefit for using ePACT as a parent is having all information stored in one place. It’s all electronic, so information is always up to date, with the ability to update it when you move or have a phone number change.
Joined ePACT for North Shore Girls Soccer Club and told my school and field hockey league to use it so I won’t have to fill out forms again – I can just share the info from one account! This is a busy mom’s dream!
From a parent’s perspective, I appreciate not having to fill out paper forms. With ePACT, it’s simple and you only have to do it once. I already had a profile set up from another organization so I just had to add a couple fields in, press go and it’s all done.
I’m impressed that ePACT has provided such a thorough emergency record setup. I have a considerable list of emergency contacts, their pictures and contact information on file with the school. That aspect alone relieves so much anxiety about sending my child to school. I like that as life progresses we can update allergies, pickup names, pictures – everything we need to keep our children safe.
I think the most difficult part was coming up with a password that I would remember. This was so seamless and easy to follow! Love the paperless process.
In an emergency, having data available at the touch of a button is peace of mind for your family. There is no reason to fumble with paperwork in this day and age in the middle of an emergency. This software should be used everywhere.
The system is great for families with multiple children, like mine with 7 kids, because you don’t have to write out by hand redundant information like address, doctor, or their emergency contact list. All of that information is carried over and available to add to the files for each kid.
Loved that I could transfer all my information from one child to another and that I will be able to update and just press send to change any information during the school year.