10 Facts about CPR and First Aid Training

10 Facts About CPR & First Aid

We’ve featured several articles around CPR and First Aid, which are both universal skills that can benefit you in almost any scenario. However, if you’re still asking yourself the question, “Why do I need to know first aid?”, here are ten facts about CPR and First Aid Training to help provide an answer!

  1. Sudden cardiac arrest* is the leading cause of death in adults (in 2015, 366,807 people died in the United States).
  2. Most out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in public settings (39.5%), homes/residences (27.5%), and nursing homes (18.2%).
  3. CPR can double or triple a person’s chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest and nearly 46% of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims survived when bystander CPR was administered.
  4. Delivery of CPR is life-saving first aid, sustaining life until paramedics arrive by maintaining vital blood flow to the heart and brain.
  5. If you aren’t trained in the combined rescue breathing and chest compression method of CPR, you can use compression-only CPR on a teen or adult who has collapsed.
  6. Pediatric first aid is a specialized form of training that organizations often require staff to have if they are working with children, or that new parents can (and should) learn to support their babies and young children in the event of an emergency.
  7. The use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) can save the lives of 30% or more of those who suffer cardiac arrest. The earlier defibrillation occurs, the better!
  8. Each year, there are over 2 million Canadians injured unintentionally; injuries leave 47,000 Canadians either partially or totally disabled; and immediate first aid can make the difference between complete recovery and disability.
  9. Most bystanders won’t give CPR because they’re either scared of getting involved or that they will perform CPR incorrectly. Even someone with no training is better than no CPR at all.
  10. There’s no minimum age requirement to learn CPR. The ability to learn it depends on body strength and the ability to successfully perform chest compressions. Studies have shown that children as young a 9 years old can learn and retain CPR skills!

facts about cpr and first aidAs you can see there are many reasons to learn CPR and First Aid so that you can help family members, neighbours, colleagues, and even complete strangers. Check with the American Red Cross, Canadian Red Cross, or St. John Ambulance for more information when you’re ready to learn!

*Sudden cardiac arrest occurs suddenly and often without warning. It is triggered by an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat. A heart attack occurs when a blocked artery prevents oxygen-rich blood from reaching a section of the heart. [Source: Heart.org]

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