With the warmer weather we’re sure you’re stocking up on summer essentials, like sunscreen, bug spray, hats, and swimsuits. At the same time, we can’t forget that this time of year calls for some changes to emergency kits to prepare for wildfires, droughts, hurricanes, floods, and other summer disasters!
If you haven’t yet made an emergency kit, be sure to read our easy guide on how to put together your own: Building an Emergency Kit for Every Need. Or if you’re short on time, you can use your ePACT account to save 15% off a premade kit with F.A.S.T Limited!
Once you have the basics done, here are an additional 6 items to add to your kit:
Waterproofing your kit – Warmer weather usually calls for more rain. If there was a flood, would the contents in your kit still be safe? Make sure the container holding your kit is waterproof, and that anything inside the container that would be damaged by water is put in a sealed container or waterproof bag. This is especially important for any paper documents!
Water – Depending on the region, the higher the climate, the more water you will need per person per day. Moving from winter to summer may require you to increase your water storage per person.
Clothing – You may not be in need of that heavy winter coat in the summer, but you will still need layers of light, loose-fitting clothes and socks. Especially when affected by a flood, you want to stay as dry as possible. You also may want to consider adding raingear into your kit, especially rain boots.
Bug repellent – The last thing you want to happen in the event of a disaster is the beginning of an infection, and a large part of those infections start at bug bites. Protect yourself and grab some heavy-duty bug repellent at your local camping store or pharmacy.
Allergy medicine – Springtime and summer are famous for bringing on allergies and hay fevers. Plan ahead and include allergy medicine in your kit.
Sunscreen – You should have sunscreen in your kit year round, but in case you don’t already have it, add it it to your kit now as the UV rays start to get stronger.
Does your current emergency kit fit your current needs? Needs change over time, so don’t forget to look for any items to add or take out as you gather these summer supplies.
And of course, don’t forget to update the contents! Everything from medicine, canned goods, and water should be checked on a regular basis.
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