Feature of the Month: E-Signature


We’re excited to introduce you to our newest feature, E-Signature!

E-Signature makes it incredibly easy for your families to accept all waivers by adding their initials and electronic signature right on their ePACT record! This also helps to ensure your organization meets its licensing and legal requirements with a date-stamped signature. And as a bonus, your staff will never have to collect or manage these on paper again!

E-Signature can be used for all types of waivers and releases, including:

  • Consent to treat form
  • Release of liability
  • Permission to administer medication
  • Codes of conduct
  • Permission for participation in field trips and activities
  • And anything else that your families must accept!

A sneak peek of our E-Signature feature is below. Now, you’ll have the name of the account holder, signature, date, and IP address – all the information you need for your records.

If you have any questions or would like to enable this feature in your ePACT account, reach out to your ePACT Account Manager!

eSignature in Wizard

esignature sign waivers
Parents or guardians initial and sign waivers to agree and accept them.

eSignature in Record

esignature on participant record
Administrators can view a time stamped signature and IP address to confirm acceptance of waivers.

If you are an existing customer and would like to have this module activated on your organization’s account, please reach out to your ePACT Account Manager today.

If you’re not an ePACT customer and you would like to see how your organization can use the Concussion History Module:

See a Demo of ePACT

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