Happy New Year! We cannot believe it is already 2016, though we have so much to be thankful for when we look back at 2015. We’d like to start off our year in review with a sincere thank you to all of our supporters – whether you are a client, family user, partner, mentor or friend, we cannot thank you enough for making 2015 our best year yet.
New Users

By the end of 2015, ePACT users can be found in 87 countries around the world! Our team is thrilled to see the spread of our emergency network help so many families and organizations.
New clients included Squamish-Lillooet Regional District in BC using ePACT for critical emergency alerts for residents; Vancouver Lower Mainland schools implementing ePACT for their students; camps and recreation departments across North America such as Model UN, the District of West Vancouver in BC, City of Gahanna in OH, South Windsor in CT and Scouts Pacific and World Jamborees, all adopting ePACT to better support their members, volunteers and staff – just to name a few!
In the sports world, Washington Youth Soccer, Ottawa Sting Minor Hockey, North Shore Lacrosse, Edmonton Keyano Swim Club, and Mill Valley Little League are some examples of the many new clients we’re excited to welcome to ePACT. As Sharron Tulk, President of Port Moody Amateur Hockey explains “ePACT simplified everything for our risk manager, for our managers, for our safety people – it’s been fantastic.”
Thank you to all our clients and we look forward to supporting you further in 2016!
New Partners
ePACT can easily integrate with other software solutions, and we were delighted to join with software partners such as Affinity Sports, one of the largest service providers to state soccer associations in the US, and PowerUp, offering sports club management to leagues across Canada. We have several more partners to announce in the coming weeks and are so happy to help Affinity, PowerUp and others provide added value to their clients, while supporting sports associations with enhanced safety and no more paper forms!
We are also proud to partner with Relentless Pursuits, run by the esteemed Brenda Irwin and Simon Whitfield, Olympic athlete and Triathlon Hall of Famer, working to identify additional ways to increase sports safety. As well, Pique Ventures, a social fund with a focus on women in technology, and Conconi Growth Partners, founded by Robert and Alex Conconi, joined our investor partners in 2015. We are honored to work with them to demonstrate how ePACT makes a real difference in our communities.

New Features
In 2015, we were able to expand our services with a number of new features. We also implemented enhancements across the system with expanded administrator management, allergies and medical monitoring, archiving and new API’s.
We also can’t forget about the new and improved Admin App! This app provides ePACT admins with the fastest and most reliable access to medical data and contact details, so don’t forget to download it now.
2015 was also a big year for us as a company, as we were recognized on the Ready to Rocket list, selected as Investors Choice Award at the Canadian Financing Forum, and received almost $1 million in funding from the Western Innovation (WINN) Initiative to support our growth in Canada and the US.
We had a year full of milestones, making 2015 one to really celebrate for the ePACT team! Thank you again to everyone who has supported us, and we can’t wait to see what 2016 brings!
- Christine, Kirsten and the ePACT Team
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